How to send an email when a call is abandoned or times out
Since Asternic Stats PRO version 2.1.0, there is a new option in the asterniclog service to run custom scripts whenever the queue_log file is updated. This can be useful if you want to perform some task whenever a certain event is recorded in queue_log.
The command line option for specifying that script is -t and should be followed by the full path of your custom script.
That script will be executed any time something is written in the queue_log file, you can add logic into that script to perform any kind of action like sending an email.
As an example, in /etc/sysconfig/asterniclog you can add the parameter like this:
OPTIONS="-u qstatsUser -p qstatsPassw0rd -d qstats -h localhost -l /var/log/asterisk/queue_log -c -t /usr/local/parselog/myscript.php --daemon"
Then write a script /usr/local/parselog/myscript.php that sends an email:
#!/usr/bin/php <?php $mailto = ""; $subject = "Call Center Alert"; $headers = 'From:' . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To:' . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); $date = $argv[1]; $queue = $argv[2]; $agent = $argv[3]; $event = $argv[4]; $uniq = $argv[5]; $text = ""; $formatted_date = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z",$date); if($event == 'ABANDON') { exec("/usr/sbin/asterisk -rx 'queue show $queue'",$return); exec("grep $uniq /var/log/asterisk/queue_log | grep ENTERQUEUE | cut -d \| -f 7",$clid); exec("grep $uniq /var/log/asterisk/queue_log | grep RINGNOANSWER | cut -d \| -f 4",$ringnoanswer); exec("grep $uniq /var/log/asterisk/queue_log | grep ABANDON | tail -n 1 | cut -d \| -f 8",$waittime); $waittime = implode('',$waittime); if($waittime<6) { // Ignoring short abandon exit; } $agents = extract_members($return); $agent_string = ''; foreach($agents as $state=>$agentsinstate) { $agent_string .= "Agents $state: ". implode(",",$agentsinstate)."\n"; } $ringnoanswer = array_unique($ringnoanswer); $ringno_string = implode(",",$ringnoanswer); $text = "Call from $clid[0] on queue $queue was abandoned at $formatted_date after $waittime seconds wait.\n"; $text.= "Available agents at time of event:\n$agent_string\n\n"; if($ringno_string<>'') { $text.= "Agents that failed to answer were:\n$ringno_string\n\n"; } } if($event == 'EXITWITHTIMEOUT') { exec("/usr/sbin/asterisk -rx 'queue show $queue'",$return); exec("grep $uniq /var/log/asterisk/queue_log | grep ENTERQUEUE | cut -d \| -f 7",$clid); exec("grep $uniq /var/log/asterisk/queue_log | grep RINGNOANSWER | cut -d \| -f 4",$ringnoanswer); exec("grep $uniq /var/log/asterisk/queue_log | grep EXITWITHTIMEOUT | tail -n 1 | cut -d \| -f 8",$waittime); $waittime = implode('',$waittime); if($waittime<6) { // Ignoring short timeout exit; } $agents = extract_members($return); $agent_string = ''; foreach($agents as $state=>$agentsinstate) { $agent_string .= "Agents $state: ". implode(",",$agentsinstate)."\n"; } $ringnoanswer = array_unique($ringnoanswer); $ringno_string = implode(",",$ringnoanswer); $text = "Call from $clid[0] on queue $queue timed out at $formatted_date after $waittime seconds.\n"; $text.= "Available agents at time of event:\n$agent_string\n\n"; if($ringno_string<>'') { $text.= "Agents that failed to answer were:\n$ringno_string\n\n"; } } if($text <> '') { mail($mailto, $subject, $text, $headers); } function extract_members($data) { $ret = array(); foreach($data as $linea) { if(substr($linea,0,5)==" ") { $partes = preg_split("/\(/",$linea); $agente = trim($partes[0]); if(preg_match("/Not in use/i",$linea)) { $ret['available'][] = $agente; } else if(preg_match("/unavailable/i",$linea)) { $ret['unavailable'][] = $agente; } else if(preg_match("/busy/i",$linea)) { $ret['busy'][] = $agente; } else if(preg_match("/in use/i",$linea)) { $ret['in use'][] = $agente; } else if(preg_match("/invalid/i",$linea)) { $ret['invalid'][] = $agente; } else { $ret['unknown'][] = $agente; } } } return $ret; }
Finally restart the asterniclog service with:
service asterniclog restart
The script can be used to perform any kind of tasks, not only sending emails. It is up to your imagination.